
Scientific Name
Heliconia rostrata
Also Known As:
Lobster Claw
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We may not carry this plant, information provided for educational use only.


The unusual blossoms are similar to a bird of paradise flower and at first glance orange varieties of this plant are often mistaken for orange bird. Flower colors range from orange to red to yellow, and the blooms appear in warm months of the year.

Care Tips

Add top soil or organic peat humus to the hole when you plant. You might also add in composted cow manure to enrich the soil around the plant's root ball. Trimming isn't necessary, though you'll want to keep the area edged to keep these plants from wandering into the lawn. In spring (late March or early April) cut back to the ground any cold damaged stalks. After a number of years, you may need to thin out an overgrown bed. Do this by removing older plants to give young ones a chance to grow and fill in the space. This plant loves to be fed. Fertilize 3 times a year with a top quality granular fertilizer. Supplement feedings with regular applications of liquid fertilizer during warm months for heavier bloom. Regular irrigation is a must. This plant needs water and it needs it often (2 to 3 times a week in summer), though it doesn't do well in a boggy area.

Planting Instructions

This plant is a moderate to fast grower that prefers part shade and blossoms in spring, summer and fall. It needs the warmth of Zone 10 to survive, and even there may die back somewhat during winter weather. Zone 10B is ideal, though these plants do fine in Zone 10A if the planting area is protected from winter winds. Ultimate size depends on the variety. The most common ones grow about 3 feet tall, and all can spread to cover an area as much as 6 feet wide. Heliconias are considered deer-resistant plants, though we make no guarantees.