Elephant Ear

Scientific Name
Colocasia esculenta
Also Known As:
Elephant Ear
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Elephant Ears can be propagated by seed collected about 30 days after fertilization, and surface sown as soon as possible after drying. Germination should take place within 21 days. In addition you can divide the larger corms, collect offsets or separate the new plant lets that form at the rhizome tips on the running types. The long runners form nodes along their length, and new growth buds exist at each of these nodes.

Care Tips

Elephant ears are heavy feeders; fertilize them with a fertilizer high in nitrogen. These foliage plants are tropical but can be overwintered in cold climates. Just dig up the corms and keep them in a cool, but not freezing basement or garage. Make sure the corms neither rot nor totally dry out. Replant in spring when danger of frost has passed.

Planting Instructions

Grow elephant ears in a slightly acid soil in partial shade. As a wetland plant in the wild, elephant ear plants crave water. This makes them a good choice for wet areas where homeowners usually have trouble finding suitable plants. Uses for Elephant Ear Plants: In the North, treat elephant ears as annuals. Take advantage of their large, attractive leaves and grow them amongst your other plants, thus varying the contrasted in a planting bed. Their thirst for water makes elephant ears effective not only in soggy areas of the landscape, but also near ponds.